IT DevWorks specializing in ecommerce sites and integration.
Our Staff
Dave Parker and Neicole Crepeau are the owners of IT DevWorks. We work extensively with our sister company IT SystemWorks and use an extended network of resources including graphic designers, developers, and copy/technical writers.
Dave's experience includes:
Building High Quality Software
- Specifing and building shipping products for Microsoft, the leading software developer in the world
- Vast experience in C/C++, C#, Visual Basic, COM, ATL, STL, ActiveX, ADO, OLE/DB and more
- Working with people from many different disciplines
- Assessing customer needs and building products that meet those needs
- Designing and building databases and database applications
- Database design and development
Website Design and Development
- Designing websites to meet particular business needs
- Building and extending websites using HTML, VBScript, JavaScript, ASP, ASP.NET, XML, etc.
- Building logon, registration, and automatic notification systems
- Generating page content from external data and writing data back from user input
Database Design and Development
- Gathering accurate and complete requirements from customers/clients
- Designing normalized data models that meet requirements
- Designing and building databases in Microsoft SQL Server, Access, and MySQL
- Extensive familiarity with SQL language
- Designing and implementing three-tiered client/server solutions
Office Integration
- Extensive experience extending Microsoft Office applications
- Deep knowledge of the Excel, Outlook, and Project object models
Project and Team Management
- As a lead at Microsoft, Dave has experience managing people and projects
- Practical knowledege of development and its hurdles
- Experience estimating both large and small development projects
- Experience building schedules and sticking to them
Neicole's experience includes:
Usability Assessment
- Designing and conducting usability tests on websites and software
- Performing cognitive walkthroughs
- Conducting out-of-box and other on-site usability tests
- Assessing the usability of sites and software interfaces
Website and UI Design
- Performing user-centered design analysis to determine UI/site requirements
- Building both product (HTML/VB) and paper prototypes
- Performing card sorts and other informal methods to analyze user needs
- Specifying and designing software/website workflow and UI
Website Creation
- Creating sites in Dreamweaver and straight XHTML & CSS
- Designing and creating graphics and graphic elements such as buttons
- Using Flash to create videos and interactive website elements
Technical Writing
- Producing online Help with Microsoft Window's HTML Help
- Writing technical manuals
- Creating tutorials, reference manuals/help, and unique assistance solutions